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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Blackbery Contacts "How To" Guide


1. How do you get to the Global Address Book on the Blackberry?

a. (Requires BES configuration) Go to your Contacts and push track wheel in and select “Look Up”, type in part of the last name you are looking up and push track wheel in again on matches it found and select View Lookup. It will display up to 20 matches at a time. You can select the person from there and email them or you can push track wheel in and select Add to add them in your personal address Book. Adding them in your personal address book will automatically input their name, numbers, address, and email address.

2. How do I quickly add new contacts in your Address Book?

a. When someone send you and email you can highlight the name in the email address and push track wheel in and select Add to Address Book. This will add their name and email address in your personal address book.

3. How do you create a group distribution list on your BB?

a. Go to your Contacts and push track wheel in and select New Group. Name the group and push track wheel in select Add member, push track wheel in and select the people from your address book you want in your group.

4. How do you add radio numbers on your Blackberry?

a. Put the entire radio number in under Contacts in the DCID field.

5. How do you import the numbers from your Nextel phone to your BB?

a. You need to have the Nextel Address Book service active on your Nextel phone first. Then follow the instructions on the “Import Nextel Phonebook to Outlook” document. This will show you how to send your numbers from your phone to the Address Book, save that file, and then import that file into Outlook, and sync your BB. (If Instructions are not attached, please request if needed).

For Comprehensive Blackberry How-To's, check out our other blog posts or visit our online Blackberry User's guide at:

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